Vinegars are made by fermenting a carbohydrate source into alcohol. Acetobacter bacteria then convert the alcohol into acetic acid, which gives vinegars their strong aromas. Wine vinegar can be made from white, red, or rose wine. These vinegars make the best salad dressings.
Wine vinegars are characterized by a high concentration of ethyl acetate, glycerol, methanol, and tartaric acid, while glycerol and ethyl acetate signals are not detectable in alcohol/agrin vinegars.
Red wine vinegar is made by fermenting red wine, then straining and bottling it. It’s often aged before bottling to reduce the intensity of the flavor. Red wine vinegar is best used with heartier flavors and foods, like beef, pork, and vegetables.
White wine vinegar is white wine that has been fermented and oxidized into an acid with a lightly fruity flavor. White wine vinegar is best for chicken and fish dishes and can be used in a pickling brine. Also, can be used to make salad dressing, to whip up a quick pan sauce, or to marinate poultry.
Champagne vinegar is the lightest in flavor. It is good for dressing lighter foods like pale greens, chicken, and fish.
Wine vinegar tends to have lower acidity than cider or white vinegars. Common wine vinegars include French champagne vinegar, Spanish sherry vinegar and Italian balsamic vinegar, which is full-bodied, slightly sweet, and somewhat syrupy.
Wine vinegar
The Science and Tradition of Tea Fermentation
Tea fermentation is a fundamental process in the history and culture of tea
production, shaping the distinct flavors, aromas, and colors of various tea